Photo by Dimitry B / Unsplash

Install and setup wireguard vpn client

Wireguard Client May 7, 2023


We already learned about how to self host wireguard vpn on server. But didn't learned about setup the client. If you still not self-hosted wireguard vpn server. You can follow this guide to self host one.

You will going to learn following things in this blog:-

  1. Install & Setup Wireguard client in GNU/Linux.
  2. Install & Setup Wireguard client in Windows.
  3. Install & Setup Wireguard client in MacOS (Don't have a Macbook 😀 so just download the client and setup the way I explained windows).

Let's start

Install & Setup Wireguard client in GNU/Linux

Let's start with

sudo apt update

This takes care of all the pending updates which are needed to be done.

sudo apt install wireguard

The above ⬆️ line tells apt package manager to search for the package name wireguard and install it into your system.

sudo nano /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

You tell your machine to create a file named wg0.conf in the /etc/wireguard folder. You can use any text editor like - nano, vi, micro, etc.

Paste your configuration file similar to this

Address = 192.xx.xx.x/xx,fdxx:xx:xx::x/xx
DNS =,

Endpoint = xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx
AllowedIPs = xxxxxxxx

If using Nano editor
Press CTRL + O Enter key
Press CTRL + X Enter key

For Vim
Press ESC key
Type :wq and Entery key

Then just type

sudo wg-quick up wg0

This line check for the configuaration you just added into wg0.conf file and will start a server for you.

But I expect it to throw an error for you. And it will be going to do as I expected.

So move to the next step

sudo apt install resolvconf

This line will save you through the error and will start your wireguard client properly.

Now the final step

sudo systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0

This line says to your systemd to enable wireguard service during startup.

Now you can chill and enjoy your wireguard vpn.

Source -

Install & Setup Wireguard client on Windows

Just click on this link to download wireguard client

Install it into your pc.

Save your peer configuration with any file name which ends with .conf like wg0.conf. Paste your configuration and save it.

Now after opening wireguard client you will see interface similar to this

click on add tunnel and choose your file you just created.

Then just click on activate. Now enjoy and chill.

Install & Setup Wireguard client in MacOS

Not tried yet in MacOS but you can try follow same steps as did in windows.

‎WireGuard is a fast, modern, and secure VPN tunnel. This app allows users to manage and use WireGuard tunnels. The app can import new tunnels from archives and files, or you can create one from scratch. It is currently undergoing rapid development, and we are listening to our users in implementing…

Click on this link to download client for mac.

We just completed the blog hopefully you enjoyed reading it. If you face any issues just let me know in comment section.


Orendra Singh

Versatile Full Stack Developer driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, continuously learning and pushing boundaries to deliver exceptional software solutions.